Please Prioritize Funding for Basic Education

Our school districts are currently underfunded by the State of Washington. Gaps in funding have a concrete impact on the educational opportunities our children receive and make it increasingly difficult to maintain outstanding schools. PTA councils are encouraging parents, students, educators, and citizens to sign the following letter to ask our legislators and governor to increase funding for education. The more signatures we receive, the greater impact our letter will have.

Note: Limitations in this software do not enable us to send letters to new elected officials, including our new governor (Bob Ferguson). Therefore, the Mercer Island PTA Council will be manually creating and sending a letter to incoming Governor Ferguson with a list of signatories. If you take action today by sending this letter to your legislators, the PTA council will consider this permission to add your name to the same manual letter as well. If you do not want your name added to the manual letter to Governor Ferguson, please email

Letter Campaign by
Mercer Island, Washington