Ponzi Police Reform - Say NO to Corrupt Oversight
Federal police oversight in New Orleans is being run by an official with significant conflicts of interest. David L. Douglass, currently paid by the city of New Orleans to oversee the consent decree under the direction of the Department of Justice (DOJ), founded Effective Law Enforcement for All (ELEFA), where he added several former NOPD leaders to his payroll - the very people he used to oversee. This is in direct violation of paragraph 464 of the consent decree, which prohibits monitors from accepting employment or providing consulting services that present a conflict of interest.
Full article: https://eyeonsurveillance.org/blog/ponzi-police-reform
Help shed light on this issue and demand that the Department of Justice (DOJ), New Orleans, and Minneapolis stop wasting our taxpayer money on ponzi police reform.
Fill out the form, or write your representatives directly:
1. The DOJ must conduct an investigation into all DOJ, NOPD, and Minneapolis employees that are now affiliated with ELEFA.
2. New monitors in New Orleans and Minneapolis must be selected, free from conflicts of interest.
jonas.geissler@doj.gov |
ojpmedia@usdoj.gov |
Maria.Acker@usdoj.gov |
Shaketta.Cunningham@usdoj.gov |
Elizabeth.White3@usdoj.gov |
David.Adams@usdoj.gov |
efile-morgan@laed.uscourts.gov |
mayor@nola.gov |
scziment@nolaipm.gov |
elliott.payne@minneapolismn.gov |
Ward2@minneapolismn.gov |
Ward3@minneapolismn.gov |
latrisha.vetaw@minneapolismn.gov |
ward5@minneapolismn.gov |
jamal.osman@minneapolismn.gov |
ward7@minneapolismn.gov |
andrea.jenkins@minneapolismn.gov |
jason.chavez@minneapolismn.gov |
ward10@minneapolismn.gov |
ward11@minneapolismn.gov |
aurin.chowdhury@minneapolismn.gov |
linea.palmisano@minneapolismn.gov |