Prioritize Telework for Our Future

Telework should be prioritized for our future, to mitigate climate change and infectious disease in the ongoing pandemic.

Join me in writing to U.S. Senators to oppose the pathetic, irrational, and big money fossil fuel industry serving nonsense bill S. 1565 called "The SHOW UP Act" which would attempt to roll backwards in time to prohibit telework for government employees and try to pretend there aren’t a dozen reasons telework is a great idea, including making jobs accessible to high risk disabled Americans in an ongoing pandemic threat environment. This bill is being promoted by senators with links to fossil fuel interests. The fossil fuel industry is like a machine that is coming after everything and won’t stop on its own. They're coming for all our freedoms and will sacrifice everything good for their profit. Don't think for a moment they're going to stop with federal employees. Florida has already imposed restrictions on private businesses and prohibit them from options to function safely in the modern world. This won't stop at government employees. They're coming for all telework, and everyone's access to safety on the job. Speak up now.

Feel free to use my letter below and in the form, in part or full, edit it, send it yourself in whatever way you wish, or use this form, which will route to both your state's U.S. Senators.

Thanks for joining me,

Chloe Humbert

Dear Senator,

Vote NO on S. 1565. Prioritize telework in all circumstances it is possible and especially for federal government employees. Maximum Telework should continue for our future, in order to promote disability accessibility, stop infectious disease spread, and prioritize our move away from squandering fossil fuel energy on pointless and unhealthy commutes. Vote AGAINST the nonsensical "SHOW UP Act" which is a gross insult to all the workers who HAVE been "showing up" and doing important work from home - successfully, safely, efficiently, VERY productively, and with improved work life balance, both since the beginning of the pandemic, and in many cases for at least a decade prior to the pandemic. Working from home works. It's going to need to work even more if we want a functional future and top talent in essential job positions. Prioritize and promote telework now and going forward.

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