Reduce Wasteful Outdoor Watering by Supporting HB 2240

House Bill 2240 would require certain water utilities serving a population of 10,000 or more to have “time-of-day” limitations on outdoor watering if they want a loan for new water supplies.

A growing number of cities and water districts already prohibit their customers from watering their lawns during the heat of the day, at least in summer months, in order to prevent the wasteful evaporation of water. Studies show that as much as 50% of the water applied during the hottest times of the day never reach the roots of plants. But “time-of-day” restrictions are far from universal. This bill tells local water utilities: if you’re coming to the Water Development Board for a loan to build a water supply project such as a reservoir, etc., then you need to have a reasonable limitation on outdoor watering to prevent wasting water.

The Texas House Natural Resources Committee will vote on this bill soon, so please email the committee to show your support.