State employees to Ohio: Pay Us Now!

It seems a lifetime ago that Governor DeWine declared a State of Emergency on March 9, 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. But for OCSEA frontline workers, including many of you reading this, it seems like yesterday. For so many essential public workers, it was absolute hell and probably the most difficult weeks of their lives.

That's why frontline OCSEA union members are demanding: PAY US NOW!

Essential employees made daily sacrifices to keep Ohioans safe during the pandemic and keep our State’s economy afloat. Some stayed in hotels away from their family so they could keep working; others worked day and night, 16 hours a day due to short staffing; many (SO many) employees became sick from their jobs. Ultimately, some even died due to COVID. But now an arbitrator is saying that wasn't enough and workers aren't due what their union contract says they are.

Tell Governor DeWine and DAS: it's time to use American Rescue Plan funds to pay essential state workers for their heroic service. Take action and write them now!

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