Stop Unapproved Compressed Fracked Gas on Long Island

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The Williams Pipeline was defeated. BUT- the utility, National Grid, has a backup plan to block renewables and keep us addicted to their fracked gas anyway, by using millions of dollars of your money to build unnecessary new gas infrastructure, WITHOUT APPROVAL.

This infrastructure will inject fracked gas into the existing pipelines at 3 aged Nassau County power plants everyone thought were nearly defunct, delivered via what have been called "bomb trucks", filled with compressed (CNG) (and / or liquefied natural gas (LNG) they are building the supply source in Brooklyn for) to create a "pipeline on wheels", that transports fracked gas through environmental justice communities in Brooklyn, to and through our own local communities on Long Island.

Thanks to our friends at Sane Energy Project and No North Brooklyn Pipeline, who are fighting the associated LNG plant in Brooklyn, we received definitive information that National Grid confirm they have moved forward on Long Island without approval on this plan!!! From National Grid's own report:
Glenwood CNG Injection Facility – The project is complete and in-service.  
Barrett CNG Injection Facility – The project is in construction.  
Inwood CNG Injection Facility – The project is complete and in-service.

How are projects never approved to be charged to ratepayers already being constructed and "in-service"??

Tell Governor Hochul and the Public Service Commission- We will not pay for these dangerous and unapproved projects hidden in our gas rates, that no one was consulted about, no one asked for, go against NY State climate goals, and are NOT NEEDED!!
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