Ask Your Legislator to Support HB2039: Retroactive Sentencing

Illinois criminal justice reforms only look forward and provide no relief to those currently impacted by outdated laws. That means thousands of people continue to bear the burden of ineffective policies even as societal values evolve and change.
Illinois must make retroactivity an essential element of all efforts to reform our criminal justice systems.
HB2039 (Rep. Cassidy) gives Illinois a straightforward path to retroactivity. The legislation is supported by organizations from ours at Restore Justice Illinois, to ACLU of Illinois, BPI, Communities United, and the John Howard Association.
This bill allows individuals to request a hearing—and possible re-sentencing—if new laws are passed that reduce former criminal penalties. It also permits the dismissing and sealing of a conviction if the underlying offense has been reclassified or decriminalized.
Without retroactivity, our financally strapped state will continue spending money to enforce prison terms society no longer believes justified.