Support Medical Cannabis in the Senate with HB3703

The Compassionate Use Program should be made more inclusive by adding to the list of qualifying conditions and removing the arbitrary cap on THC by using a Cannabis Therapeutic Research Review Board.

Nearly 70% of Americans have legal access to medical cannabis, including those in every state surrounding Texas. These laws are improving the quality of life for countless patients and their family members because medical cannabis often offers relief more safely and effectively than prescription drugs -- and without the harmful side effects. If a doctor thinks it can help, there should be no government prohibition on access to this medicine!

Unfortunately, the Texas Compassionate Use Program is unreasonably restrictive, allowing only those with intractable epilepsy access to low-THC cannabis. The program currently also creates very cumbersome barriers to entry for patients, requiring they have a prescription from two specialized neurologists who are registered in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas. On top of that, the law is written in a way that jeopardizes participating doctors, resulting in very little doctor participation.

We need to change our state law to fix and expand the Compassionate Use Program!

Numerous health and medical organizations — and the public at large — support allowing patients with debilitating medical conditions to have access to marijuana with a doctor's recommendation. Making cannabis available for ill Texans is an imperative for medical freedom. Texans, across party lines, are supportive of access to medical cannabis.

Ask your legislators to support medical cannabis in Texas!
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