Support the call to extend the Disability Royal Commission!

The Disability Royal Commission has been asked to investigate the violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with all kinds of disability in all settings within Australia within a three year timetable.

This is a truly enormous task, and it's become apparent that three years will not be enough time to give the investigation the proper attention it deserves, particularly with delays caused by COVID and the late introduction of privacy legislation ensuring that submissions will be kept confidential (legislation that has yet to be passed two years in to the commission).

The Hon. Ronald Sackville, Chair of the Disability Royal Commission has requested a 17-month extension to the Disability Royal Commission.

We support this call, and we ask you to do the same by writing to the Attorney-General Michaelia Cash. You can use our sample letter or edit as you like.

People with disability must be heard, and we need more time to tell our stories.