TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to reject Trump’s latest tax cut for the richest 1%
In Trump’s first term, he and congressional Republicans passed a $2 trillion tax scam that mostly benefited the rich and corporations. Now, they’re seeking even more for their rich country club and Wall Street buddies.
Trump recently announced that if re-elected he’d seek to lower the capital gains tax rate from 20% down to 15%―a move that vastly favors the richest 1% and does almost nothing for 80% of U.S. taxpayers.
Write to your members of Congress today and tell them that instead of lowering the capital gains tax rate for the wealthy, as Trump proposes, we should raise the rates so that they match the rates that people pay on wages and salaries.
Click “START WRITING” to send a letter to your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative today.