Tell Citi’s Credit Card Partners: Drop Dirty Citi!

Activists march with banner in June 2024 Summer of Heat action
Summer of Heat

Citi has co-branded credit cards with Costco, LL Bean, Macy’s, Home Depot, Best Buy, Sears, and AT&T.

Since 2015, Citibank has been the world’s largest funder of fossil fuel expansion since 2015. The science is clear: the fossil fuel industry is destroying and polluting our planet and our communities, disproportionately harming low-income communities and communities of color.

That’s why we’re calling on the large companies that have a co-branded credit card with Citi to drop dirty Citi and find a better credit card partner.

Join us and send an email to the top executives at these companies: If they care about climate change and taking sustainability seriously, they MUST drop Citibank. If not, their corporate reputation is at risk, just as much as Citi’s is.