Tell Congress it is time to do its fair share of climate action!

Forest fires and hazy skies. Hurricanes and floods. Monthly historic heat records and increasingly severe droughts. All these have become commonplace. The climate crisis is now, in the US and around the world.
Though no place is immune, developing countries are carrying the brunt of the climate crisis, despite having historically contributed the least to global emissions. Many communities in poorer countries around the world lack the resources to build resilience to or to recover from climate impacts. Without resources, many communities are and will increasingly be forcibly displaced by climate impacts.
The United States holds a special responsibility to lead on mobilizing the climate finance we need to resolve the climate crisis globally and stop forcing people around the world out of their homes. We must do our fair share.
Our movements have won the creation of two funds to support these communities: the Green Climate Fund and the Loss & Damage Fund. Yet, despite past commitments, our Congress keeps failing us, and the gap between what is needed and what is given is widening even faster than our planet is warming.
We need you to help us fill these funds and ensure the just and humane treatment of all people displaced by climate change. We need Congress to advance a bold international climate justice agenda.
This is why it is so important to ensure we pass two bills that would put us on the right track towards global climate justice: the Green Climate Fund Authorization Act and the Climate Displaced Persons Act. Send a letter to your representative today.
Together, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Authorization Act and the Climate Displaced Persons Act (CDPA) would contribute to the urgent need to meet our fair share of climate action, by unlocking $4 billion per year to the GCF and creating a new visa program for climate-displaced people, to ensure we provide a safe haven for those whose communities have been devastated by climate change.