Oppose corporate tax breaks and make the EITC and Child Tax Credit permanent.

Instead of rewarding wealthy corporations with more permanent corporate tax breaks, help us make pro-work tax credits for working families permanent.

Thousands of corporate lobbyists are pressuring Congress to pass $400-$500 billion in corporate tax breaks before the end of the year. Meanwhile, unless Congress acts soon, key improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit will expire, pushing more than 16 million people—including about 8 million children—into poverty or deeper into poverty.

Tell Congress to OPPOSE these corporate tax breaks and to SUPPORT renewing the improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit. Wall Street may be doing fine, but working families are struggling.

Please enter your address below and then click “start writing.” We have provided email text for you to submit directly to your U.S. Senators and Representative.

Thank you for taking action on behalf of working families!

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