Tell MnDOT to fix the Rethinking I-94 process

An aerial rendering that shows what the Twin Cities Boulevard could look like in Saint Paul. The image faces west toward downtown Minneapolis and includes an urban boulevard with new buildings and parks.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) will narrow potential project options for Rethinking I-94 in the coming months.

Send an email today to ask key project decision-makers to fix the Rethinking I-94 process before it is too late.

We are seeking public commitment to the following actions:

  • Update how MnDOT is scoring potential project options to prioritize the impacts on highway-adjacent neighborhoods, like pollution, health disparities and stolen generational wealth
  • Create a workgroup to implement anti-displacement protections and reparations and study how highway land could be repurposed with each option
  • Add a “restored network” option with fewer lanes to the studied project alternatives to maximize the opportunity to repurpose land for new housing, businesses and parks
  • Fix inaccurate traffic models and incorporate land-use changes into future modeling
  • Extend the project area to connect into the downtowns and add a portion of Highway 280
  • Improve transparency and community engagement

Momentum continues to build! A report highlighted the enormous community benefits of highway removal and points out major flaws with MnDOT's evaluation process. The Minneapolis City Council passed a unanimous resolution in support of these demands.

Take action by emailing key decision makers and standing up for reparative justice!

Your message will be sent to MnDOT leadership and project staff as well as the elected officials, agency heads and decision-makers that make up the project’s Policy Advisory Committee.

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Minneapolis, MN