Urge Glendale City Council to vote for clean energy over fossil fuels!

Glendale's electric utility, Glendale Water & Power (GWP), is proposing to “re-power" its fossil fuel power plant known as Grayson. The $500 million project would involve replacing old gas turbines with new equipment – but in the process expanding capacity well beyond what is needed to power Glendale in hopes of selling excess power to other utilities. While GWP touts the fact that the new equipment is cleaner burning, they acknowledge that the expansion will significantly increase carbon emissions and a whole range of smog-causing air pollutants, not to mention burden ratepayers with bond debt well past the point where California clean energy laws force the plant to cease operations. They also acknowledge that they never adequately assessed the potential for solar and other renewable technologies to meet Glendale’s power needs.
The City Council is starting to wake up to the flaws in GWP’s proposal and, on January 23rd, will vote on a motion to halt the project and study the cost and feasibility of clean energy alternatives. The meeting is scheduled for 6:00 PM at Glendale City Hall (613 E. Broadway, 2F). We are encouraging concerned residents of Glendale and surrounding communities to come to the meeting and speak out. Whether you can make it or not, please send an e-mail to Glendale City Council. And don't forget to spread the word.
We need to show City Council that the public wants clean energy solutions not more dirty and expensive fossil fuel. This is a critical turning point which could spell the end of what may be one of the last gas plant projects in California!