Tell Our Elected Officials That You SUPPORT Offshore Wind!

Misinformation is being spread around at an alarming rate by a fossil fuel funded organization that supports offshore drilling, using fear tactics to fuel the fire of their attack on renewables. Make no mistake, the lies being spread around by Caesar Rodney Institute are not being told because they care about the environment or anyone's view of the ocean. They are being spread to further the desires of the fossil fuel companies that are writing their checks.

The viewshed during the peak tourism months will be preserved due to the curve of the earth and the haze of the natural occurring humidity at the beach. Studies and reality have shown that, even when wind turbines are much closer than those proposed off the coast of Delaware, tourism and property values are unaffected.

Furthermore, as population expands, electricity demand increases, and fossil fuel-based production facilities age, new electric supplying facilities will need to be created. The supporters of the fossil fuel industry know this and that is exactly why they are spending tens of thousands of dollars in Delaware trying to stop what will be a federally sanctioned offshore wind project. They know that if Americans discover the benefits of offshore wind as many European countries have, that fossil fuel production will drop off and they will lose money. Offshore wind has the potential not only to power the entire state of Delaware, but to do so at no additional cost to Delaware ratepayers.

We need you to act now! We need you to tell your legislators, both federal and state, Governor Carney, and Secretary Garvin that you support offshore wind and that Delaware needs to invest in this technology to save our planet.