Tell Seattle Council & Mayor: Stop the Sweeps!

Photo credit: Erica C. Barnett (link to article in text below)

Sweeping unsheltered people around the city is even more harmful than usual during COVID-19. The Center for Disease Control recommends that encampments not be removed unless every person is offered “individual housing” such as a hotel room. And yet, the City swept Ballad Commons two weeks ago and plans more sweeps this week.

Now, Councilmember Tammy Morales is proposing legislation to limit sweeps to those that are truly necessary for urgent health and safety reasons. Councilmembers Mosqueda and Sawant are co-sponsors. Please take a moment to email all the councilmembers and Mayor Durkan in support of this legislation. We're also urging them to ensure that outreach is done by trained case managers and outreach workers, not police, and to greatly expand the new Co-LEAD program to provide hotel rooms, case management, and basic necessities for people experiencing homelessness.

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