Tell Seattle: We need more housing!

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Seattle is amid a massive housing shortage and affordability crisis. Two-thirds of Gen Z and senior renters are rent-burdened, incomes needed to own a home are the highest outside California, and we've seen a 30% increase in homelessness since 2015.

Despite this, the city, in its once-a-decade revamp of our zoning code, is not planning for enough housing to combat our shortage. We're already tens of thousands of housing units behind demand and need to catch up fast.

Tell Seattle, we need more housing everywhere!

  • We need to open rich, single-family neighborhoods to family-sized apartments and get it right by removing poison pills in the plan
  • We need to plan upwards and permit more density in existing multifamily areas and near frequent bus lines
  • Parking mandates, which increase the cost of housing and increase climate emissions should be removed from the plan
  • Shops and retail should be legalized in more places by expanding the number of Neighborhood Centers and reducing requirements on corner stores
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Seattle, WA