Tell Senators to Support HB737 - the people of Merrimack, Bedford, and Litchfield need a seat at the table!

The NH Department of Environmental Services says that drinking water in 65 square miles of our state has been polluted by Saint Gobain in Merrimack. They came here from Vermont, after doing the same thing there, because NH has more lax environmental restrictions. People have been drinking contaminated water and now we want a health study and action. But it won't happen unless everyone has a seat at the table not just the polluters.

Please email NH Senators and tell them to support HB737 to form a commission of citizens, legislators, scientists and regulators.  We need EVERYONE at the table!

Here's a link to the bill.

We want action!

Please email your Senators and tell them we want Merrimack, Bedford and Litchfield citizens to have a seat at the table.