Tell Speaker Hall to Follow the MI Constitution

Speaker Hall Needs to Follow the Michigan Constitution

The Michigan Constitution is clear: Once the legislature passes a bill, the House must present it to the governor. Speaker Matt Hall's refusal to do so is a direct violation of our constitution and an insult to the working people of Michigan.

Both chambers of the Legislature passed these bills and represent the will of Michigan’s people. They provide essential protections for workers' wages, pensions, and legal rights. Every day of delay means real harm to Michigan families.

  • HB 6058: Helps correct the arbitrary and unjust Public Act 152. It’s a massive victory for the thousands of public sector workers the USW represents - librarians, crossing guards, public school custodians, EMS workers, bus drivers, and so many others.
  • HB 4900 & 4901: Shields working families from aggressive debt collection tactics that seize wages and intercept Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC)—funds meant to help families stay afloat.
  • HB 4665–4667: Ensures retirement security for public safety professionals, including law enforcement officers, by strengthening their pension benefits. Those who protect our communities deserve to retire with dignity.

The Legislature’s job is to pass laws that benefit the people, not block progress for hardworking Michiganders.

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