Tell State Department Staffers: Quit Genocide

Demand that US State Department officials and staff resign in protest against the President’s active role in the genocide in Gaza.

Since October, President Biden has authorized an estimated $17 billion in weapons and military funding to Israel for its genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza that has killed more than 36,000 Palestinians, including over 15,000 children.

Rather than end its complicity in genocide, the Biden administration has doubled down, resorting to discrediting international courts and manipulating findings to try to justify its continued support of Israel.

Public resignations of senior Biden officials have already made waves in Washington. Over the past several weeks, we have seen even more resignations across governmental agencies and departments in protest of the Biden administration’s policy to enable genocide in Gaza.

With this tool, you can email more than 100 State Department officials and staffers working on human rights and tell them to take a cue from their former colleagues and resign now.

Working for an administration complicit in genocide is incompatible with defending human rights. Resignations make a powerful statement against the administration's complicity in these atrocities and constitute an important step towards holding the administration accountable for its actions.

Together, we can help officials end their complicity in this genocide, and continue the pressure on the Biden administration to change course.