Tell the City of Portland: Stop the Sweeps! Work with those residing in the Springwater Corridor to find a solution.

In response to Portland’s housing crisis and the rise of organized camping in Portland, Mayor Charlie Hales lifted the camping ban and made it legal to sleep on City property starting February, 2016. Now, 5 months later, Mayor Hales is turning his back on the houseless community and is calling for a sweep of the approximately 500 residents of the Springwater Corridor.

In the past, Mayor Charlie Hales has recognized that sweeps cause trauma. He says this will be a more compassionate sweep because there will be services provided, but Portland’s services are already at capacity! Many of the residents in the Springwater Corridor are disabled and unable to move, especially in the short time frame provided. When folks are forced out, there is nowhere for them to go except into the neighborhoods.

We can’t turn our backs on Portland’s houseless community. Call and send an email to Lucas Hillier and Mayor Charlie Hales telling them to stop the sweeps.

Tell the City of Portland:

  1. Don’t sweep! Cancel the sweep on August 1st. Communicate directly with the houseless community - let them know the sweep is cancelled and include them in making plans for what to do next.

  2. Identify properties for organized outdoor shelter.

  3. Commit resources for the safe relocation of people into these areas that makes accommodations for people with disabilities, does not re-traumatize people in the lead-up to or during the move, and enables people to keep their belongings together and secure during the move.

  4. Ultimately, find permanent and affordable housing for the houseless community.
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