Tell University of Kansas: End Animal Fighting Experiments

Experimenters at the University of Kansas are putting hundreds of animals in an “arena” that encourages animal fighting, with the expected result of these cruel experiments being violence and injury.
Here’s what we uncovered, as written by the University of Kansas:
“...placed in an arena (20x25x45cm) to establish 'residence.' After 10 min, an intruder (a same or different sex individual from the same species) is introduced into the arena and aggressive behavior on the part of the resident is quantified for a further 10 min.”
“Bite wounds are common. Animals with wound(s) exceeding 1 cm, wound(s) that involve the face or genitals, or full thickness wounds that expose bone or viscera will be euthanized.”
We cannot let these practices continue, so we are asking for your help.
Please take 2 minutes to tell the University of Kansas to end all animal fighting experiments.