Ask your MP to attend the Rosebank debate

Ask your MP to attend the Rosebank debate

This Wednesday, MPs will be debating the Rosebank oil field in Westminster. We need as many MPs to attend and oppose Rosebank in the debate. This is an important debate to firm up positions for political leaders and parties on Rosebank.

Every new oil and gas field, every Rosebank, is a distraction from what needs to be done: a just transition to cheaper renewables with workers and affected communities at its heart.

Your MP is much more likely to listen and act if your message is personal, including your motivation behind why you’re contacting them about Rosebank is a good place to start. If they have done something positive in relation to climate or the environment or anything else in your constituency, please thank them for that. However, don't hold back in conveying the political costs if they fail to publicly oppose Rosebank, oppose all new oil, coal and gas projects and let the Government continue to cave into industry demands.

We’ve included a draft letter below to help you get started but please adapt the template below and add your own personal motivation for taking action.

Lastly, we add a personalised salutation to the beginning of the letter and a signoff at the end with your name, email, and address, so you don't need to start letters with " Dear MP" or sign them off with "Thank you, [your name]".

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