Tell your state lawmakers to support charter school funding reforms that will keep school tax money in the classroom and out of corporate bank accounts.

Are you tired of cyber charter schools wasting property tax dollars on advertising, lavish CEO salaries, and lucrative contracts with communications and lobbying firms?

Do you support the PA legislature aligning tuition payments to charter schools with actual costs, which would save $373 million each year, helping to rein in the wasteful spending of tax dollars and reducing the need for property tax increases?

Please take a minute to tell your state lawmakers to support funding reforms in House Bill 272 that will align charter tuition rates with actual costs by setting a flat tuition rate for cyber charter school students and by using the special education funding formula to determine tuition payments to all charters for students with disabilities.

Pennsylvanians cannot afford for state lawmakers to continue protecting charter schools’ profits.

It is past time for Harrisburg lawmakers to stand up for the students and communities they were elected to represent and take action to reform Pennsylvania's unfair system for funding charter schools.

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Harrisburg, PA