URGENT: Congress Got It Wrong Again! Time to take back the House.

The HEROES Act just passed the House. On May 15, Rep. Jerry Nadler and the House Democrats passed a new $3 trillion package, and although they again included direct payments to the people, and improved eligibility requirements, these are a ONE TIME PAYMENT, not recurring until the crisis is over. This, after Speaker Pelosi previously discussed a guaranteed income as an important consideration for the House as they created the next stimulus update.

We hosted the Shake Up Congress car parade on May 16 to protest this failure to guarantee recurring cash payments. Now it’s time to get the job done ourselves.

Millions of people are struggling to feed ourselves and our families and local economies are collapsing without an influx of consumer spending. Guaranteed income would address both of these issues. Investments should continue to be made in healthcare, unemployment insurance, small business and state & local government support, but we need to get Emergency Money to the People as well.  

COVID-19 has killed more Americans than died in the Vietnam War. COVID-19 is causing a 9/11 death toll every single day. COVID-19 has triggered a Great Depression. Putting money in household wallets is the single most effective way to protect and care for people in these uncertain times.

The last significant opportunity to ensure that families have the resources we need to meet our basic needs throughout the economic downturn has passed. We urge you to demand that Representatives facing #YangGangForCongress challengers debate them in a series of televised debates. We need to urge ALL members of Congress to pass recurring monthly payments as relief to the people and local economies.

Letter Campaign by
James Ellars
Apple Valley, California
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