Stand for People not Profit. Contact Your Senator

Illinois is failing people with disabilities and seniors that need long term care. Owners that operate nursing facilities for profit are lobbying to keep it that way.

That is why we believe It's time to Humanize Long Term Care:

* Dignity: Better care for facility residents, and freedom to speak up about abuse without fear of retaliation. Living wages and decent working conditions for caregivers.

* Community:  Freedom to choose in-home care and community-based services over institutionalization. Programs to transition residents back into the community and improve home care options.

Together, we can create a system where dignity, respect, freedom, and accountability are the norms in long-term care. Use this form to tell your Senator you stand with people, not profit.

Senator Lakesia Collins, a former nursing home worker, and 16 co-sponsors proposed commonsense legislation (SB 3559) to protect senior citizens and people with disabilities in nursing home facilities. This policy mirrors long-standing workable housing laws that prevent landlords from retaliating against tenants.

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A broad coalition of unions, community groups, senior and disability advocates are behind Lakesia Collins and the 16 co-sponsors. Other Senators have pledged support.

The only opponents? People that own and operate facilities for profit.

These owners already have a moral and legal obligation, in accepting huge Medicaid & Medicare payments, to ensure proper care, follow the rules, train, and supervise employees. The owners determine what is acceptable and what is not in their facilities.  They should have accountability as well.

Profit-driven owners of for-profit nursing facilities are spending heavily to evade responsibility for the harms done in their institutions. They want the Illinois Senate to allow them to continue avoiding accountability for illegal retaliation. But we say: enough is enough.

People with disabilities and seniors deserve the freedom to speak up without fear. This freedom is essential for dignity and community integration in long-term care facilities.

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Illinois is failing people with disabilities and seniors that need long-term care (LTC).

As America ages, and more of us will be living with disability, a growing network of consumer and union advocates wants Illinois to be a national leader in Humanizing Long Term Care.

People with disabilities and seniors deserve dignity in facilities - including freedom to speak up about violations without fear of retaliation, and viable options to receive quality care in the community via home and community-based services rather than segregated institutions.

Complete the form and click "start writing" to send your letter.

Represent an organization? Orgs can endorse the campaign principles here.

Owners of for-profit nursing homes spend millions lobbying to increase their profits while silencing residents that speak up about abuse, avoiding accountability, and understaffing.  

People with disabilities, seniors, and caregivers want Illinois to set a new direction.

A) Dignity:
Freedom for residents and staff to speak up about abuse or violations without fear of retaliation from facility owners.
• Raise the monthly personal needs allowance to at least $90
Living wages and decent working conditions for caregivers
• Stronger protections and enforcement of health/safety rules

B) Community:
•Freedom to choose in-home care and community-based services, integrated into the community, instead of an institution. Short-term steps include:
o New programs to speed transitions from facilities into the community,
such as a transition housing voucher, and speedier access to resources o Additional improved homecare options to enable persons that don’t need 24/7 facilities to remain in their homes, such as short notice at-home caregivers to stop the hospital-to-nursing-home pipeline
o Start planning to assess and identify how to transform the industry into a person-centered system, predominantly home and community-based, with better care, better wages and working conditions, greater dignity


Some organizations endorsing this campaign's principles:

Access Living
ADAPT - Chicago
ADAPT - Montana
ADAPT - North Central PA
AFSCME Retiree Subchapter 161
Alliance for Community Services
Blue Tower Solutions
Champaign County Christian Health Center
Champaign County Health Care Consumers
Communities Organized to Win
Cook County College Teachers Union
Disability Resource Center
Eternal Life Entrepreneur llc
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice
Health & Medicine Policy Research Group
Housing Action Illinois
Illinois Association of Long Term Care Ombudsman (IALTCO)
Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living (INCIL)
IL Self Advocacy Alliance
IL Single Payer Coalition
IMPACT Center for Independent Living
Institutional Rescue & Recovery Coalition
Legal Council for Health Justice
Liberators for Justice
Liberty Resources CIL
LIFE Center for Independent Living
McManus Consulting/Disability Services
National Council on Independent Living
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
National SILVER Collaborative
Northside Action for Justice
The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies
Pennsylvania Council on Independent Living
Peoples Response Network
Progress Center for Independent Living
Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living of North Central PA
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Sheltered Village
Southern Illinois CIL
Southside Together Organizing for Power (STOP)
Springfield Center for Independent Living
The Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois
Trinity Services, Inc.
United Cerebral Palsy - Center for Disability Services
Washington ADAPT