Write to Canada Pension Plan: We expect accountability and transparency

Take one minute and send a letter to Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB). Demand that CPPIB divest from weapons manufacturers, fossil fuel companies and corporations complicit in Israeli war crimes
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) manages $539 billion on behalf of over 21 million working and retired Canadians, making it the seventh largest pension plan in the world.
The CPPIB has invested $870 million in global weapons dealers. This includes $76 million invested in Lockheed Martin, $38 million in Northrop Grumman, and $70 million in Boeing. At least seven percent of the CPPIB investment are in companies complicit with Israeli war crimes, including investments in 11 of the 112 companies listed in the UN Database as complicit with Israeli violations of international law. CPPIB has $21.72 billion invested in fossil fuel producers.
Throughout October 2022, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) held nine regional public meetings across the country. The series of meetings ended with a national virtual meeting on Nov. 1.
In 2022, dozens of individuals attended six of the regional meetings (Vancouver, Regina, Winnipeg, London, Halifax, St. John’s) and the national virtual meeting to ask questions about unethical CPPIB investments in weapons manufacturers, fossil fuel companies and corporations complicit in Israeli war crimes. But there were few answers.
The CEO Graham and Board Chair Munroe-Blum assured they would answer all questions they did not get to during the November 1st meeting. Given their failure to respond to thousands of letters sent to date regarding unethical investments, we hope that this time they will follow through with their commitment.
Learn more: “What is the CPPIB Really Up To?” (webinar) was hosted earlier this year by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, Just Peace Advocates, World BEYOND War and several other organizations.
Read the summary of the meetings attended from St. John's to Vancouver, as well as the national virtual meeting.
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute