Your Rep. took a stand to keep Palestinian villages standing - send them a thank-you note!

This morning, Thursday the 12th, eleven members of Congress sent a letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to express concern for the Palestinian villages of Susiya and Khan al Ahmar. Both of these villages are at acute risk of demolition, and their populations are being targeted for forced relocation. On August 29th, 2017, Israeli Minister of Defense Avigdor Lieberman publicly stated his intent to move forward with plans to bulldoze these communities and expropriate their land within a matter of months.

After a meeting with a Rebuilding Alliance delegation in late September, which included Aysar, a young man from Susiya, the office of Rep. Anna Eshoo decided to take a stand by circulating a Dear Colleague letter encouraging the Sec. of State to work with his counterparts in the Israeli government to prevent the demolition of these two villages and to push for a system that secures Palestinian rights to plan, build, and live safely on their land.

Your Representative signed onto this letter because they understand the importance of ensuring Palestinians their human rights and civil liberties. This is a not a widely-shared sentiment in Congress, so it is important to make sure these Representatives know that we support them.

Click "Start Writing" to thank your Rep.!

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