2024 Just Cause Grassroots Petition

Maryland General Assembly

Advocating for Just Cause Laws: Protecting Tenants from Unscrupulous Landlords

Just Cause Legislation - Grassroots Petition

Renters United Maryland (RUM) is a coalition of independent non-profit, legal services and community-based organizations committed to a future in Maryland where renters live in safe, stable, and affordable housing. We are a collaboration of renters, lawyers, organizers, policymakers, academics and others from across Maryland that sets forth near - and long-term state legislative priorities that will advance the rights of tenants to safe, affordable, and sustainable housing.

The purpose of this petition is to gather grassroots support on Just Cause, a bill to allow localities to pass just cause law. Thank you for your time.

To: Maryland General Assembly
From: [Your Name]

In Maryland, hardworking, renting families find themselves in the midst of a challenging housing crisis through no fault of their own. Maryland families are already facing drastic economic uncertainty. They do not need to fear an unjust, discriminatory, and arbitrary eviction. However, they do. When it comes to lease renewals, our current state laws allow landlords to decline renewing leases without offering any reasons. This instability forces thousands of dedicated, long-time renters into the heart-wrenching experience of eviction through lease non-renewals. These displaced renters find themselves without any means to challenge this situation and are left scrambling to secure new homes for themselves and their families. These unexpected and costly relocations disproportionately affect our low-income neighbors and communities of color, placing an unjust burden on those who can least afford it.

Local counties eager to rectify this inequality and rebalance the power dynamic between landlords and renters find themselves unable to enact legislation to address this issue. I stand with Maryland renters and support local enabling legislation to ensure that renters are not arbitrarily evicted from their homes. Local enabling legislation such as Just Cause would provide renters with the protections they need from unjust, discriminatory, and arbitrary eviction.