Rollback the Rollbacks: Tell President Biden to restore environmental protections in the first 100 days

President-elect Biden

Over the past four years the Trump administration rolled back or weakened more than 100 environmental protections. In the first 100 days, President Biden can take clear and decisive action to undo the environmental damage of the Trump administration and set the U.S. on a path to global climate leadership.

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To: President-elect Biden
From: [Your Name]

Over the past four years, many of the Trump administration's actions have put our public lands and waterways at risk, increased greenhouse gas emissions and worsened air quality. To begin to repair the damage, please take the following actions in your first 100 days in five critical areas in order to restore important environmental and public health protections:

1. Climate: Rejoin the Paris Agreement

2. Clean Water: Set in motion a repeal of the Dirty Water Rule

3. Clean Air: Strengthen federal fuel economy and emissions standards for vehicles and reaffirm California's authority to set stronger vehicle emissions standards

4. Conservation: Withdraw the Trump administration's draft 5-year plan on offshore drilling

5. Clean Energy: Restore smart energy efficiency policy by reinstating strong efficiency standards for consumer appliances and industrial equipment.