50 years after the Fair Housing Act of 1968, we are at a breaking point.

Ben Carson, Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development

This week, we celebrate a birthday. It is the 50th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

It’s been fifty years since civil rights activists pushed for an end to housing segregation and achieved the Fair Housing Act in the wake of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. It wasn’t a perfect piece of legislation but it was a critical victory won by regular people.

And yet, we are in the largest housing crisis since the Act was passed. The history of segregation is still alive among our hometowns today. We are at a breaking point.

Despite our national housing emergency, the Trump administration and Ben Carson’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are actively working against the movements that won the Fair Housing Act.

Today, a person working full time at minimum wage can’t afford a two-bedroom apartment in any county in America. 12 million people pay over half their wages for the rent. More than three million families and individuals are homeless including more than one million children.

It’s not enough to fight against cuts in the HUD budget. We need a massive reinvestment. Sign the petition and tell Ben Carson to fully fund HUD to meet the real needs of American people.

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To: Ben Carson, Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
From: [Your Name]

We are in the largest housing crisis since the Fair Housing Act of 1968 was passed. The history of segregation is still alive among our hometowns today. We are at a breaking point.

You are directly harming millions of families by not expanding the funding of federal housing programs. More than three million families and individuals are homeless including more than one million children. What message are you sending to children when our government does nothing to ensure ALL of them have healthy, affordable homes? It’s not enough to fight against cuts in the HUD budget. We need a massive reinvestment to meet the needs of the American people.