The shameless tax bill unveiled by congressional leaders is a handout to big corporations and the wealthy.
To fund trillions in tax cuts to those who need it least, Congress would raise taxes on some working families and force drastic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid and education.
This plan would tax working people on their student loan interest payments, but stop taxing the wealthy on multimillion dollar inheritances. While working people would no longer be able to deduct their state and local income taxes, big corporations see a huge reduction in their tax rate and an even bigger break for those companies that have stashed their profits offshore.
We must raise our voices now and tell Congress: NO to tax cuts for corporations and the rich at our expense.
Please sign the petition to Speaker Paul Ryan now.
Speaker Paul Ryan
[Your Name]
Proud public service workers do our part every day to keep our communities safe, clean, and healthy. Big corporations and the super wealthy should too.
No working family should be made to suffer the consequences of cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, or education, just so corporations can get more tax breaks they don’t need and offshore more American jobs. Corporations and the wealthy already do not pay their fair share in taxes.
I support fully funded quality public services, NOT more tax breaks to those who need them least.