¡Alto al Abuso Policial en Tijuana! // ​Stop Police Abuse in Tijuana!

Secretario de Seguridad Pública Municipal Marco Antonio Sotomayor Amezcua

English Below

En Tijuana, las personas migrantes mexicanos y centroamericanos somos acosados, robados y golpeados por la Policía Municipal que rutinariamente realiza redadas de limpieza humana para cumplir con sus “cuotas.” Estas cuotas no han tenido ningún resultado favorable ya que en esta ciudad se han registrado 251 ejecuciones en julio y más de 1500 homicidios en este año. Lo que sí incentivan es que los policías y jueces nos extorsionen, intimiden, detengan, encarcelen sin razón, nos entreguen a agentes del INM de forma arbitraria porque creen, debido a nuestra apariencia física, que somos blancos fáciles de abusar. Ellos no temen represalias ni denuncias de nuestra parte porque presumen que no conocemos nuestros derechos. Ante esta criminalización sistemática, resistimos.  

Pueblo Sin Fronteras, una organización de personas migrantes y aliadas solidarias, estamos hartos que nos traten como mercancía. Exigimos un alto total e inmediato a estos terribles abusos, no sólo para nosotras y nosotros sino para todas las personas afectadas por esta Policía descontrolada. A pesar de las 23 quejas que se han interpuesto ante la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos, más dos ante la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos, el robo y la violencia contra nosotros continúa

Firma nuestra petición ahora!

¡Únete a nosotros! Firma nuestra petición y exige al Secretario de Seguridad Pública Municipal, Marco Antonio Sotomayor Amezcua, que ponga fin a estas injusticias. Las cuotas NO hacen que Tijuana sea más seguro, sólo mantienen un sistema de seguridad pública racista, discriminatorio y explotador.


  1. Alto al abuso de poder, levantamientos sin motivos y redadas ilegales
  2. Basta de dinero sucio con el sudor del pueblo a jueces, a policías y al Secretario de Seguridad Pública
  3. Alto a los pactos ilegales entre Policía y Migración (INM)

  4. Basta a las cuotas policiales que nos roban la humanidad y nos convierten en mercancía

Stop Police Abuse in Tijuana!

In Tijuana, Mexican and Central American migrants are attacked, beaten and robbed by the Municipal Police during frequent sweeping raids they make to meet their “quotas.” These quotas haven’t had any positive results for Tijuana’s safety. This city registered 251 executions in July and over a 1,500 homicides so far this year. The quotas simply incentivize police and judges to extort, intimidate, arbitrarily detain us and turn us into Immigration Agents because, due to our physical appearance, they think we are easy targets for abuse. They don’t fear disciplinary action or complaints because they assume we don’t know our rights. Despite this systematic criminalization, we resist.  

The Tijuana Municipal Police constantly attack, rob and beat Mexican and Central American migrants during frequent sweeping raids by Police to meet their “quotas.” These quotas haven’t had any positive results for Tijuana’s safety. This city registered 251 executions in July and over a 1,500 homicides so far this year. The quotas simply incentivize police and judges to extort, intimidate and arbitrarily arrest people who, based on their physical appearance, they think are easy targets for abuse without fearing retribution or complaints because they think we don’t know our rights. They also confiscate and destroy our immigration papers, they incarcerate us for no reason, and they illegally turn us over to immigration (INM) agents. Despite this systematic criminalization, we resist.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras, an organization of migrants and allies in solidarity, is sick and tired of being migrants treated like commodities. We demand a complete and immediate end to these abuses, not just against us, but against all those affected by this out-of-control Police force. Despite the 23 reports filed with the State Human Rights Commission, plus two with the National Human Rights Commission, the robbery and violence against us continue.

Sign the petition now!

Join us! Sign our petition and demand that the Secretary of Public Safety, Marco Antonio Sotomayor Amezcua, put an end to these injustices. The quotas have NOT made Tijuana safer, they just maintain a racist, discriminatory and exploitative public safety system.

We demand:

  1. End the abuse of power, the arbitrary arrests and illegal raids
  2. No more dirty money for judges, police or the Secretary of Public Safety made off the sweat of the people

  3. End the illegal collaboration between the police and immigration (INM)

  4. No more police quotas, which rob us of our humanity and turn us into merchandise

Petition by
Pueblo Sin Fronteras
San Diego, California
Sponsored by

To: Secretario de Seguridad Pública Municipal Marco Antonio Sotomayor Amezcua
From: [Your Name]

-- Alto al abuso de poder, levantamientos sin motivos y redadas ilegales
-- Basta de dinero sucio con el sudor del pueblo a jueces, a policías y al Secretario de Seguridad Pública
-- Alto a los pactos ilegales entre Policía y Migración (INM)
-- Basta a las cuotas policiales que nos roban la humanidad y nos convierten en mercancía

We demand:
- End the abuse of power, the arbitrary arrests and illegal raids
- No more dirty money for judges, police or the Secretary of Public Safety made off the sweat of the people
- End the illegal collaboration between the police and immigration (INM)
- No more police quotas, which rob us of our humanity and turn us into merchandise