Ban the sale of animal fur in Seattle

Seattle City Council and Mayor

banner with fox image and Fur Free Seattle text

Be a part of Fur Free Seattle! Join us in asking the Seattle City Council and Mayor to enact an ordinance that bans the sale and manufacture of new animal fur products in Seattle.

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To: Seattle City Council and Mayor
From: [Your Name]

Please ban the sale and manufacture of new animal fur products in Seattle.

Seattle is a city that cares about animal welfare and the environment. We have more dogs than children, pet stores dot our streets, we have multiple cat cafes, dog parks are scattered throughout our neighborhoods, and more and more businesses cater to our beloved animal companions. Plus, we have hundreds of parks, along with protected natural areas, that support animal habitats — and we are known for our affinity for nature. Nordstrom, which was founded in and remains headquartered in Seattle, stopped selling fur in 2021 in response to feedback from customers.

The sale and manufacture of fur products, such as fur coats and trim, does not fit in the fabric of a city that loves animals and cares about the environment.

Most fur products are made from animals such as foxes, minks, and rabbits (among many other fur-bearing animals) that are raised and killed in horrific ways on fur farms. The animals are kept in dirty wire cages in conditions that spread diseases, and they are killed by methods that include electrocution and having their necks broken. Additionally, fur farming pollutes the air and water. Animals killed in the wild may suffer in traps, be torn apart by dogs used for hunting, or be bludgeoned.

Other U.S. cities have already banned fur sales: Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and West Hollywood in California; Hallandale Beach in Florida; Ann Arbor in Michigan; and Brookline, Cambridge, Plymouth, Wellesley, and Weston in Massachusetts. The list keeps growing. Additionally, states and entire countries have moved forward with fur bans.

So, it is time for you all to officially ban the sale and manufacture of new animal fur products here. Let’s show that Seattle truly is a city that cares about animal welfare and the environment!