Case Farms Denies Bathroom Breaks to Workers-Help stop this!

Jason Arnold, Plant Manager, Case Farms, Morganton, NC

We need your support as people of conscience. Case Farms poultry workers do not have access to go to the bathroom when needed.  This problem was identified and prioritized by Case Farms workers. Case Farms is violating the law because OSHA standards require Case Farms to let workers use the bathroom when needed. 

We all know the importance of being able to use the bathroom and medical studies show that restricted access to a bathroom can make you sick: 

* “Holding it” can cause increased frequency of urinary tract infections (UTIs), which can lead to more serious infections and, in rare situations, kidney damage.
*UTIs during pregnancy have been associated with low birth weight babies, who are at risk for additional health problems.
*If you delay going to the restroom, you are more likely to suffer from abdominal pain, constipation, diverticuli, and hemorrhoids.
Many workers have to go to the extreme by wearing adult diapers because they know they will not have the opportunity to go to the bathroom when they need to go. 

We need your help to demand that the plant manager of Case Farms Poultry Plant in Morganton, NC adapt a reasonable policy that provides bathroom breaks within 10 minutes of a worker asking to go to the bathroom when they need to and assures that the policy is carried out by line supervisors. We also demand that Case Farms enforces this new policy in an agreed upon manner with the workers. 
Petition by
Hendersonville, North Carolina

To: Jason Arnold, Plant Manager, Case Farms, Morganton, NC
From: [Your Name]

I am a person of conscience and it has been brought to my attention that the workers at Case Farms Poultry Plan in Morganton, NC are not able to use the bathroom as needed. Workers face health complications and there are also public health concerns when workers are not able to go to the bathroom.

I am asking you to create a reasonable policy that provides bathroom breaks within 10 minutes of a worker asking to go to the bathroom and assures that the policy is carried out by line supervisors. We also demand that Case Farms enforces this new policy in an agreed upon manner with the workers.