Dear Future Premier, Science Needs To Be A Priority.

Premier Candidates in the Nova Scotia Election!

Signing this letter sends a clear message to provincial candidates that science must be at the heart of decision-making if we want to address the grand challenges facing our communities. Here’s why your signature matters:

  1. Science Impacts Every Aspect of Our Lives: From healthcare to education to climate change, science provides the foundation for solutions to many of the challenges we face. Signing this letter demands that our leaders prioritize these areas and use evidence to guide policies that improve the well-being of all citizens.
  2. Hold Leaders Accountable: This letter calls on the future premier to build trust in government through transparent, evidence-informed decision-making. It is a chance to hold our leaders accountable and ensure they listen to experts when creating policies that impact us all.
  3. Build a Stronger Democracy: Science helps strengthen democracy by ensuring that policies are based on facts, not ideology or misinformation. By signing this letter, you are advocating for a government that values truth, transparency, and integrity.
  4. Make Science a Priority in Provincial Elections: Science often gets overlooked during election campaigns. This letter is a way for you to tell political candidates that science must be a central issue in their platforms.
  5. Shape a Better Future: By signing, you join a movement of people demanding a future where evidence drives decisions that lead to healthier, safer, and more sustainable communities. Your voice can help push for meaningful change in the policies that shape our everyday lives.

In short, signing this letter amplifies the call for science-informed leadership at a time when it’s more necessary than ever.

To: Premier Candidates in the Nova Scotia Election!
From: [Your Name]

Dear Future Premier,

I’m writing to express my deep hope that, under your leadership, science will be a top priority.

Science and research impact all Canadians. Advances in scientific research improve our health, environment, economy, and the safety and well-being of our communities. By building a foundation of transparent, evidence-informed decision-making in our government, we ensure that policy decisions are backed by sound and accurate information. This not only leads to better outcomes but also builds trust in our institutions and strengthens government integrity.

Strong science means a strong democracy and a stronger province. Science doesn’t usually get a lot of attention during elections, and we think that needs to change.

Why does this matter? Science doesn’t just belong in federal conversations. Provinces have immense jurisdiction over key areas where science is critical:

HEALTHCARE: By using evidence-informed approaches to improve patient outcomes and manage health crises, we can build a healthcare system that serves all citizens.

WILDFIRE MANAGEMENT: Science offers practical tools for wildfire prevention, management, and recovery. Proactive use of scientific research and data-driven strategies can save lives, protect property, and preserve our natural landscapes.

EDUCATION: We need a stronger emphasis on science in our education system, not only to foster critical thinking but also to equip the next generation with the tools they need to innovate and solve future challenges. Investment in STEM education and evidence-informed teaching strategies is crucial for our province’s growth and competitiveness.

CLIMATE CHANGE: Science must drive our response to the climate crisis. Whether it’s reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting our water and air, or transitioning to clean energy, evidence-informed policies are essential to securing a livable future for all.

As a voter, I’m asking you to make science a pillar of your platform.
I want to know that, under your leadership, this province will prioritize evidence-informed policy. I want to see a government that listens to experts, makes decisions grounded in facts, and stands up for the long-term well-being of its people and environment.

Science provides us with the answers to many of the challenges we face. But without political will and leadership, these solutions will remain on paper, while real-world problems continue to grow. As you plan your future government, I urge you to put science at the centre of your agenda.


A Concerned Voter and Advocate for Science