Manchester Friends of the Earth

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Call on Greater Manchester to divest from fossil fuels

Target: Greater Manchester Pension Fund

The Greater Manchester Pension Fund has more money invested in coal, oil and gas than any other local authority pension fund.

We're asking it to lead the way by divesting from fossil fuels and investing in positive solutions to climate change instead.

Sign the petition to persuade the Greater Manchester Pension Fund to stop investing in fossil fuels.

More information

It's been revealed that the Greater Manchester Pension Fund has £1.3 billion invested in fossil fuels – more than any other Local Authority fund.

Councils need to be leading the way in tackling climate change, not investing in destructive fossil fuel extraction.

The divestment movement has been gaining momentum, with dozens of organisations saying they’ll quit funding oil, coal and gas – now we need councils to follow suit.

We're asking the councils in our area to divest from fossil fuels. Can you help us?

Add your name to our petition today.

To: Greater Manchester Pension Fund
From: [Your Name]

Dear Greater Manchester Pension Fund,

We call on you to:

- Immediately freeze any new investments in fossil fuel companies.

- Divest from any company which is involved in the exploration or production of coal and unconventional oil or gas within two years, and from all fossil fuel companies within five years.

- Work with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to develop and fund a low-carbon investment programme for Greater Manchester.

Pensions are about giving us a secure future. But our future security is fundamentally threatened by climate change.

Our pension funds should not be investing in oil, gas and coal firms when we know we must leave 80% of all fossil fuels in the ground to avoid catastrophic climate change.

We welcome the decision that you made to divest from tobacco companies because of their impact on the people of Greater Manchester, and urge you to take a similar approach with fossil fuel companies.

Yours sincerely,

Ali Abbas
Fossil Free Greater Manchester

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