Demand Transparency from Tax Dodgers
Securities and Exchange Comission
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which regulates all U.S. corporations, has given you – the public – until this Thursday, July 21, to submit a comment in support of improved transparency.
We have an opportunity to achieve an important victory that would require U.S. corporations to disclose their foreign subsidiaries located in tax havens, and the amount of taxes they owe the United States.
Without this improved transparency corporations will be free to continue their massive use of tax havens, and we will not know what they truly owe in taxes.
Please sign below and we will deliver this statement on your behalf to the SEC this Thursday.
Securities and Exchange Comission
[Your Name]
Comment to the Securities and Exchange Commission About the Disclosure Effectiveness Initiative
I am writing to strongly encourage the Securities and Exchange Commission to require U.S. corporations to disclose all of their foreign subsidiaries, and the amount of taxes those subsidiaries owe the United States.
Specifically, I believe corporations should be required to publicly disclose each year on a country-by-country basis their foreign subsidiaries and those subsidiaries’ revenues, profits, income tax paid, effective tax rate, accumulated profits, and number of employees.
It is critical that investors, lawmakers and the general public have access to this information. We need to know where U.S. corporations are operating, whether they claim to be making significant profits in tax havens, how much tax – if any – they are paying on those profits, and the taxes they owe the United States.