Driscoll's: Hold your supplier Rancho Laguna Farms accountable for mistreating workers
Miles Reiter, CEO of Driscoll's
~Espanol abajo~
After dozens of workers in Santa Maria, CA went on strike at Rancho Laguna Farms, a supplier of strawberries to Driscoll's, on May 5th for fair pay and better treatment, workers were fired and had the sheriff called on them. 75 workers from Rancho Laguna Farms have now signed a petition urging Driscoll's to address the mistreatment of workers at their supplier. Please join us in solidarity with these brave workers to call on Driscoll's to ensure Rancho Laguna Farms provides fair pay, safe working conditions, and an end to retaliation against employees who speak up.
Petition: Driscoll’s we need you to take action. Your supplier, Rancho Laguna Farms, is mistreating workers and disregarding health and safety during COVID
1) Rancho Laguna has pushed workers harder while keeping pay low, even though the cost of groceries and childcare is going up
2) Even before the crisis, Rancho Laguna was unsafe, ignoring workers regularly getting hurt, but now it is believed that company has covered up COVID cases amongst staff
3) Workers who spoke up for better conditions have been retaliated against, including calling the sheriff and threatening to replace with H2A workers
We demand:
1) Fair pay (A permanent $0.25 cent per box raise)
2) Safe conditions (address our injuries and notify workers about COVID cases amongst staff)
3) Respect (no more retaliation)
Después de que docenas de trabajadores en Santa Maria,CA salieron en huelga de Rancho Laguna Farms, un proveedor de fresas de Driscoll's, el 5 de mayo para mejor pago y mejores condiciones, la compañía los despidió y llamó al sheriff. 75 trabajadores de Rancho Laguna han firmado una petición pidiendo a Driscoll's que tome acción acerca del maltrato cometido por su proveedor Rancho Laguna. Por favor únanse en solidaridad con estos trabajadores valientes y pidan que Driscoll's haga que Rancho Laguna de mejor sueldo, condiciones seguras y que paren con las represalias contra los trabajadores que alzan la voz.
Petición: Necesitamos que Driscoll’s tome acción. Tu proveedor, Rancho Laguna Farms, está maltratando a los trabajadores y no da importancia a nuestra salud y seguridad durante COVID
1) Rancho Laguna nos ha empujado a trabajar más fuerte y ha seguido dándonos un pago bajo, mientras tanto los costos de comida y cuidado de niños han subido
2) Antes de todo esto, la compañía no era un lugar de trabajo seguro, ignoraban trabajadores lastimados, y ahora se cree que están cubriendo casos de COVID entre el personal
3) Los trabajadores que alzaron la voz para mejores condiciones han sido víctimas de represalias como llamar al sheriff, amenazas de llamar a ICE y de reemplazarlos con trabajadores contratados (H2A)
1) Pago justo (una aumento de salario de $.25 por caja a largo plazo)
2) Condiciones seguras (dar atención a nuestras lastimaduras y notificar a los trabajadores sobre los casos de COVID en el personal)
3) Respeto (no mas represalias)
Miles Reiter, CEO of Driscoll's
[Your Name]
Driscoll’s we need you to take action. Your supplier, Rancho Laguna Farms, is mistreating workers and disregarding health and safety during COVID
1) Rancho Laguna has pushed workers harder while keeping pay low, even though the cost of groceries and childcare is going up
2) Even before the crisis, Rancho Laguna was unsafe, ignoring workers regularly getting hurt, but now it is believed that company has covered up COVID cases amongst staff
3) Workers who spoke up for better conditions have been retaliated against, including calling the sheriff and threatening to replace with H2A workers
We demand:
1) Fair pay (A permanent $0.25 cent per box raise)
2) Safe conditions (address our injuries and notify workers about COVID cases amongst staff)
3) Respect (no more retaliation)