Ensure paid leave for all Colorado workers: Pass the FAMLI Act

The Colorado Legislature

At some point in their lives, everyone has an ill child, an aging parent, a new baby to care for, a personal injury or a serious illness.  Without paid family and medical leave, Colorado workers worry about how they’re going to makes ends meet with no paycheck when they need it most.

The FAMLI Act creates a family and medical leave insurance program that allows workers to take up to 12 weeks paid time off for a serious health or family related event and it is supported by 70 percent of Coloradans, but corporate interests are trying to stop it from advancing out of the state legislature.

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To: The Colorado Legislature
From: [Your Name]

No one should have to choose between their job or caring for a loved one. Vote yes on the FAMLI Act (SB188) to create a family and medical leave insurance program available to all Coloradans.