Pass the VOTES Act

Massachusetts Legislators

Record voter participation in the 2020 elections affirmed what we know to be true: Bay Staters participate more when voting is more accessible. The 2020 elections also reminded us that we cannot take our democracy for granted, and must fight to protect and expand access to the ballot.

Our priority for the 2021 legislative session is the VOTES Act, and is critical to that end. Please join us as we work for this critical bill. Together, the VOTES Act reforms will fill critical gaps in Massachusetts elections.

  • Vote-by-mail will ensure that elections are accessible for working people who may not be able to take the time between multiple jobs on election day to vote in person.
  • Same Day Registration allows eligible voters to register or update their registration on the day they go to vote. It will ensure that thousands of Bay Staters who would otherwise be barred from participating can exercise their right to cast a counted ballot. Same Day Registration is an important reform for families and Bay Staters who face housing instability, or renters who generally move more frequently. In the 21 states that have it, Same Day Registration is overwhelmingly used by those who are already registered, but need to resolve issues or inaccuracies in their registration.
  • Jail-Based voting reforms are critical to ensure that the over-policing and hyper-incarceration of Black communities and communities of color do not also disproportionately disenfranchise them. NO voter who maintains the right to vote by law should be denied that right in practice.

These reforms in Massachusetts are overdue. Let’s work together this session to fill the gaps in Massachusetts election law, remove barriers to participation, and build more accessible, secure, and participatory elections.

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To: Massachusetts Legislators
From: [Your Name]

Every eligible voter deserves to have their voice heard in our elections. Common sense reforms can make that a reality in Massachusetts, and allow our Commonwealth to build on the record 2021 voter participation to ensure that ours is a truly representative democracy.

In 2021, we must: make vote by mail permanent; pass Same Day Registration; ensure that incarcerated eligible voters are no longer left out of our elections; strengthen Automatic Voter Registration; expand risk-limiting audits; and more!