Petition to Modernize Indiana’s HIV Criminal Laws
Indiana Legislators or Concerned Parties
Please sign our Petition to Modernize Indiana’s HIV Criminal Laws. We want to deliver a strong message of support to our legislators at the Indiana General Assembly. Your voice matters.
We will use this petition as we meet lawmakers in advance of the legislative session, and in other conversations we have with key leaders.
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Indiana Legislators or Concerned Parties
[Your Name]
We, the undersigned, enthusiastically endorse modernizing Indiana’s HIV criminalization laws. The HIV Modernization Movement - Indiana has worked closely with legislators to modernize the laws since 2019, and are growing our support each year.
Indiana’s HIV criminal laws were passed in the 80s and 90s, a time of fear and uncertainty when little was known and understood about HIV. The current laws fail to reflect advances in medical science, perpetuate stigma and result in unfair treatment of Hoosiers living with HIV.
Our support for law modernization echoes national consensus among public health, medical and legal experts. This effort is in line with Indiana’s statewide plan to end the HIV epidemic, called ZERO is Possible, which recognizes these laws can deter testing and prevention efforts and exacerbate HIV stigma.
We respectfully request your support to modernize Indiana’s HIV criminal code, aligning Indiana's laws with public health goals and ending the HIV epidemic.