GIVE ABBOTT THE BOOT: Demand the Impeachment of Texas Governor Greg Abbott
Texas House of Representatives

Tell Governor Greg Abbott: Don’t mess with Texans! In his nine years as Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott has continuously failed our communities by putting his political stunts and thirst for power above the well-being of our people. Just this month, horrific details were revealed about his inhumane treatment of migrants at the border. He ordered Texas troopers to deny water to migrants and push children back into the Rio Grande River.
Human beings should be treated with dignity and respect, but as long as Greg Abbott continues to be in power, this complete disregard to human rights will continue.
This is not the first time Governor Abbott has gone against the values and beliefs of most Texans by attacking people’s freedom to move, choose, and live. As Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott:
Failed to address and regulate the power grid after the February 2021 winter freeze that killed over 700 Texans. Instead he received more campaign donations from the energy industry, making it clear where his loyalties lie.
Funneled state resources to his cruel Operation Lone Star stunt, wasting more than $4 BILLION taxpayer dollars that could have been used to address urgent problems like housing, healthcare, and climate change.
Has attacked people’s freedom of expression by banning gender affirming care and getting rid of diversity, equity, and inclusion spaces in public universities.
We cannot allow Abbott to continue targeting our communities and putting his self-interests above the dignity of Texans. Texas leaders need to hold Governor Greg Abbott accountable for his cruel and inhumane actions and initiate impeachment NOW. Otherwise, Abbott will continue using his political power to cause division in our state and inflict hate and violence upon immigrants and communities of color.
ADD YOUR NAME and demand Governor Greg Abbott be held accountable and impeached! Let’s give Gov Abbott the boot!
Texas House of Representatives
[Your Name]
Texas State House Representatives:
YOU have the power to call a special session to impeach Governor Greg Abbott! Do not become complacent in normalizing his hateful and inhumane actions. As elected officials, it is your responsibility to prioritize the voices of Texas communities! Do not side with a politician who has continuously put his self-interests and those of corporations above the safety and well-being of our people. Texans care about being able to move, live and thrive. In order to do that, we need a leader who will care about addressing the urgent challenges in our state, like access to healthcare and housing, instead of the hateful tactics that Abbott has pushed forward throughout the last nine years.