Help Block Trump's Social Security Cut

U.S. Congress

President Trump has talked about cutting Medicare and Social Security starting at the end of 2020.

Now he’s told us how he will do it. He said he will TERMINATE the payroll tax which will eliminate any funding for Social Security. If that happens no one will receive the benefits they have earned starting in 2023.

Sign our petition. Tell Congress to block any cuts to Social Security funding before it's too late.

To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

President Trump has promised to defund Social Security by eliminating the payroll tax, Social Security’s dedicated funding source.

If he is re-elected, his plan means that Social Security retirement benefits will END in 2023, and disability benefits will end in 2021.

That is terrifying and dangerous. Seniors have earned these benefits through a lifetime of work -- they should not be taken away.

Congress must step up and STOP Trump from carrying out this plan to end Social Security as we know it.