Honor Rep. John Lewis: Pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act

U.S. Congress

For six decades, Rep. John Lewis fought tirelessly to expand and protect the rights of Black voters and other voters of color. The Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965 was one of the crown jewels of his lifelong struggle.

Under the VRA, states and counties with a history of discrimination had to get federal approval for new voting laws -- which stopped thousands of harmful provisions from taking effect. But the Supreme Court gutted that requirement in 2013, inviting power-hungry politicians to silence voters.

Now, states are taking advantage. Strict voter ID requirements in Texas. Voter roll purges in Georgia. Polling place shutdowns in Arizona and Mississippi.

In December 2019, the House passed the Voting Rights Advancement Act -- a new, updated version of the Voting Rights Act that restores key protections for voters -- as Rep. Lewis himself held the gavel.

But the bill has failed to make it all the way through Congress thus far.

If you believe that the House and Senate must pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act, add your name today. As Rep. Lewis said: "We have come too far and made too much progress to stop now."

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Washington, DC

To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

Rep. John Lewis spent his life fighting to ensure that everyone can access the ballot box -- and against unjust laws that strip Black and brown Americans of their voice in our democracy.

To truly honor Rep. Lewis, Congress must pass the bipartisan Voting Rights Advancement Act and its crucial protections for voters.