I pledge to Vote Blue No Matter Who - and you should, too!

My fellow Democrats

We have to defeat Trump. Period.

The first step is a primary contest that produces a strong Democratic nominee. The second step is winning the general election. We will not accept anything less. To ensure this outcome, I pledge to:

  • I will make the primary constructive. We will obviously have a healthy debate about who can beat Trump and who has the best policy agenda, but let's be civil. Avoid the name calling and attacks and try to emphasize the positives about your favorite candidate more so than the negatives about the other candidates.
  • I will IMMEDIATELY rally behind the winner. We have to support the ultimate Democratic nominee, whomever it is — period. And we have to do it right away because we will only have about 100 days from the July convention until Nov 3rd to unite the party.
  • I will do the work to beat Trump. As a grassroots group, we are the very folks who will make the calls, knock the doors, give the small donations, and organize online to make sure our Democratic nominee wins in November - and saves the country.

Sign our petition today, and learn more at www.DemocraticCoalition.org

Additional Resources:

  • See a list of vulnerable GOP senators here.
  • Lear more about the Democratic Resistance Task Force here.
  • Get registered or check if you are registered here
  • Join us on Facebook and Twitter today!

To: My fellow Democrats
From: [Your Name]

We have to defeat Trump. Period.

The first step is a primary contest that produces a strong Democratic nominee. The second step is winning the general election. We will not accept anything less. To ensure this outcome, I pledge to:

- I will make the primary constructive. We will obviously have a healthy debate about who can beat Trump and who has the best policy agenda, but let's be civil. Avoid the name calling and attacks and try to emphasize the positives about your favorite candidate more so than the negatives about the other candidates.

- I will IMMEDIATELY rally behind the winner. We have to support the ultimate Democratic nominee, whomever it is — period. And we have to do it right away because we will only have about 100 days from the July convention until Nov 3rd to unite the party.

- I will do the work to beat Trump. As a grassroots group, we are the very folks who will make the calls, knock the doors, give the small donations, and organize online to make sure our Democratic nominee wins in November - and saves the country.