Insure Our Future, not Michael Morris's fossil fuels!
The Hartford

The Hartford Insurance company has begun taking steps to move away from fossil fuels. However something, or someone, is stopping them from taking real meaningful action.
The Hartford's Board Member Michael Morris is CT’s own "Face of Climate Change."
Michael Morris is an oil and gas executive who embodies the unholy alliance between insurance companies and the fossil fuel industry. Morris has spent most of his career running fossil fuel companies, utilities, and advocacy groups for fossil fuels at the expense of the climate.
Mr Morris's track record is directly at odds with The Hartford's statements on their dedication to sustainability.
Tell The Hartford now that Morris’s position on the board undermines the company's credibility to take meaningful steps away from insuring and investing in fossil fuels
The Hartford
[Your Name]
A recent report on the role of CT insurance companies found that you still have $$ billions invested in fossil fuels."
In your most recent proxy statement for 2020, the second page talks about The Hartford’s commitment to sustainability and progress towards reducing investments in industries like coal and tar sands.
However your current policies are not enough to make a real difference.
I, along with a coalition of state and national environmental activists, are specifically concerned with one of your board members, Michael Morris, who was the former CEO (2004-2011) and Chairman (2004-2013) of American Electric Power (AEP), one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the country.
It seems that Michael Morris is keeping you from doing what is right and changing your policy to make a real change.
The Hartford must:
→ sell off its fossil fuel assets
→ stop insuring fossil fuels
→ align its business within the guidelines of the Paris global climate agreement.
Thank you very much for your time and I hope The Hartford steps up to do the right thing and ensures our future."