Join Us and Protect Community Choice Energy!

California Public Utilities Commission

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is at it again. They approved the now failed Puente Power Plant at Mandalay Beach and they approved a new 4th power line to import energy into our part of the grid instead of more Distributed Energy Generation in our region. Now they are attempting to block Ventura County and its ten cities from participating in a Community Choice Energy Program by adding years of regulatory delay with CPUC Resolution E-4907.

Community Choice is crucial for Ventura County to ensure it can reach state mandated climate goals and have what we want. Local control means more invested and more jobs in our local economy.

The CPUC knows what it’s doing is wrong. They tried to sneak through the resolution, without public hearing, at the height of the holiday season and while we were reeling from the Thomas fire, hoping no one was looking -- but we know how they favor SoCal Edison over cost-effective local energy supply for our region. Some of us are watching them with eagle eyes.

Sign our petition to demand that the CPUC scrap this capricious resolution. They are beginning to rethink this by moving the vote from January 11 to February 8. We want to deliver our petition on January 11th but we will keep gathering signatures until February 1.

Detailed information on this issue can be found here.

Sign the petition now and share!

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Petition by
Jan Dietrick
Ventura, California
Sponsored by
San Buenaventura (Ventura), CA

To: California Public Utilities Commission
From: [Your Name]

We need your protection of our right to participate in Community Choice Energy (CCE) without the two-year delay prescribed in the timeline proposed in Resolution E-4907. Our goals require that we start now with long-range locally controlled development of our energy generation.

There are simple ways to establish market stability without this resolution. This surprise resolution is an unbelievable, indefensible insult after our struggle fighting the Puente Power Plant and now fighting the Calpine proposal at Mission Rock and the 4th power line from Pardee to Moorpark substations.

You and the California Energy Commission wasted YEARS of yours and our time and money because SoCal Edison is more important to you than our accelerated clean energy future. Each PUC decision to support SoCal Edison's recommendations seriously delays our plans to maximize Distributed Energy Resources.

We want to plan our own grid NOW, not two years from now! The answer to Resolution E-4907 is NO!