
Modernize the New Mexico State Legislature

To: Pledging Support for a Modern Legislature
From: [Your Name]

The time is now to modernize the New Mexico State Legislature. We need a legislative body comprised of everyday New Mexicans who are reflective of our diverse population.

We face complex problems that require more time to solve. With New Mexico's legislative sessions being among the shortest in the nation, every year important bills that could improve the lives of constituents run out of time before being fully debated. In order to keep pace with the rest of the country, New Mexico should create a modern legislature that can do the work necessary to improve our state and get us off the bottom of every list.

We deserve a legislature that looks like the people of our communities and can better serve our state.

We need a legislature that looks like our state and understands the needs of our people.

Currently it’s primarily wealthy or retired candidates who can afford to mount a campaign and have the time off and means to serve in an unpaid post. We need better supports for New Mexicans from all walks of life who want to represent their communities as legislators.

Furthermore, New Mexico’s 30-day and 60-day sessions are among the shortest legislative sessions in the U.S. This results in debates that are curtailed and cut short in many instances. Worse yet, some of the priority legislation undertaken every year stalls simply because time runs out to advance the bills. If New Mexico is to keep pace with the rest of America, we need to allocate adequate time to write, debate and pass new laws.

For the first time, beginning in 2025, all New Mexico lawmakers will have dedicated year-round staff and district offices. This long-needed reform was passed thanks New Mexicans like you, who spoke out demanding better constituent services and more access to your representatives. The change represents a huge improvement and will provide legislators more capacity to research issues, craft policies, and reduce their dependence on lobbyists for expertise.

More must be done to ensure our legislature is an effective, co-equal branch of state government.

We can accomplish this by :

  • Fairly compensating legislators
  • Extending the length of sessions
  • Continuing to support new district staffing policies

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801 Signatures Collected
Only 799 more until our goal of 1,600
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